Apple Battery Supplier TDK Unveils Technology for Next-Gen Solid-State Batteries

TDK has announced a groundbreaking development in battery technology that promises to revolutionize energy storage. Apple battery supplier TDK claims that its new technology could be used in next-generation solid-state batteries to deliver energy densities one hundred times greater than existing batteries.

Researchers frequently announce breakthrough battery technologies with promises of unprecedented energy capacities and charging efficiencies. However, these announcements often fade into obscurity, and the technologies rarely make it to market. Despite this trend, TDK’s announcement appears to show significant progress, with the company having developed the material necessary for the new batteries, although no actual batteries have been produced yet.

Apple Battery Supplier TDK Unveils Technology for Next-Gen Solid-State Batteries

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) has successfully developed material for CeraCharge, a next-generation solid-state battery boasting an energy density of 1,000 Wh/L. This is approximately 100 times greater than the energy density of TDK’s current solid-state batteries. TDK aims to apply this technology to various small devices, including wireless earphones, hearing aids, and smartwatches, where the demand for compact, high-energy batteries is significant.

The implications of TDK’s technology for Apple devices are intriguing, though currently unclear. One potential candidate for the new battery technology is Apple’s AirTag. AirTags presently use non-rechargeable button cells, which last for about a year. However, new European Union regulations require companies to phase out disposable batteries in favour of rechargeable ones, aligning with TDK’s development goals.

If Apple used TDK’s solid-state batteries in AirTags, it could mean a shift to rechargeable versions, significantly enhancing their convenience and environmental friendliness. Beyond AirTags, there is potential for the technology to be available in other small Apple devices such as AirPods and the Apple Watch. The ability to recharge these batteries would not only extend the lifespan of these devices but also reduce waste and improve user experience.

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The most exciting possibility for this long-life battery technology would be its application in larger Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and the Vision Pro. These devices would benefit immensely from batteries that offer significantly higher energy densities, potentially leading to much longer usage times between charges and improved overall performance.

However, despite the promising nature of TDK’s announcement, it is essential to remain cautious. The transition from laboratory breakthroughs to commercial products can be complex and protracted. Many factors, including manufacturing scalability, cost, and integration with existing technology, can pose significant challenges.

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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