HONOR Teases Ultra-Thin Magic V3: The Next Evolution in Foldable Phones

When HONOR released the Magic V2 last year, it set the standard for the thinnest foldable phone in the world. Despite this impressive achievement, the company is not resting on its laurels. Instead, HONOR is gearing up to make its next foldable Android phone even thinner. This week, HONOR shared a teaser for its upcoming Magic V3 smartphone on Weibo. In the post, the company poses the intriguing question, “Can folding screens be thinner and lighter?”

HONOR highlights that since the Magic V2 launched, it has held the title of the thinnest foldable phone, measuring just 9.9mm in thickness.

At the end of the post, HONOR confidently states that the Magic V3 will challenge the “new height of folding and thinness.” Accompanying this bold statement are side-by-side images comparing the thickness of the Magic V2 to the forthcoming V3. These images suggest that the Magic V3 will be noticeably thinner than its predecessor.

HONOR Teases Ultra-Thin Magic V3: The Next Evolution in Foldable Phones

The teaser image of the Magic V3 showcases a phone that looks exceptionally thin, even when compared to a standard slab phone. However, HONOR has not yet revealed the exact thickness of the Magic V3. Still, the visual comparison with the Magic V2 clearly indicates a significant reduction in thickness.

HONOR’s commitment to producing the thinnest foldable on the market is reminiscent of Apple’s approach to its own devices. A report from earlier this month mentioned that Apple aims to make its future devices as thin as possible, with plans for the iPhone 17 to be “significantly thinner” than previous models. This shared obsession with thinness highlights a broader trend in the smartphone industry, where manufacturers strive to create sleeker, more portable devices.

The drive to make foldable phones thinner is not just about aesthetics. Thinner devices can be more comfortable to hold and easier to carry, enhancing the user experience. Moreover, advancements in materials and engineering make it possible to achieve these slim profiles without compromising on performance or durability.

As we await the official launch of the Magic V3, it’s clear that HONOR is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in foldable phone design. If the Magic V3 can deliver on its promise of being even thinner than the V2, it will not only retain HONOR’s title of the thinnest foldable phone but also set a new benchmark for the industry.

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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