How to Get Jazz Tax Certificate Through WhatsApp Self Service?

In today’s fast-paced world, comfort is key. Jazz, Pakistan’s leading telecom provider, understands this very well. It has introduced a hassle-free way for Jazz customers to obtain tax certificates using WhatsApp. This ingenious self-service method allows you to quickly and efficiently receive your Jazz tax certificate without the need to visit a service centre or wait on hold with customer support. In this blog, I’ll jot down simple steps to get your Jazz tax certificate through WhatsApp self-service in just a few minutes. Let’s get started!

Steps To Get Jazz Tax Certificate Through WhatsApp Self Service

Follow these simple steps to get your hands on a tax certificate within a few minutes:

Step 1: Save Jazz WhatsApp Number

Add Jazz’s WhatsApp number to your contacts: +92 300 3008000.

Step 2: Initiate a Chat

Open WhatsApp, start a new chat with the saved Jazz number, and type “Hi” to begin the conversation.

Step 3: Select the Tax Certificate Service

You will receive an automated response with a menu of options. Reply with the number corresponding to “Tax Certificate” or type “Tax Certificate”.

Step 4: Provide the required information

You will be asked to provide your Jazz mobile number and CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number. Enter the details accurately.

Step 5: Confirm Your Request

After providing the necessary information, you will receive a confirmation message acknowledging your request for a tax certificate.

Step 6: Download Your Tax Certificate

You will be given a link to download your tax certificate or receive further instructions to complete the process. The tax certificate will be available in PDF format.


  • Make sure your WhatsApp app is up-to-date.
  • Cross-check the information you enter to avoid errors.
  • If you face any issues, contact Jazz customer support for assistance.

By following these steps, you can easily get your Jazz tax certificate through WhatsApp self-service. It will save you time. Moreover, you will not have to visit a Jazz service centre. Isn’t it great?

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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