How to password protect your word document?

There are certain sensitive documents on your PC which you don’t want others to open. So, you might be thinking about how to protect your important word document without having to install any third-party application or program. Well, it’s quite easy, and Microsoft word allows you to do it from its app. Here are a few easy steps that will allow you to password protect your word document.

How to password protect your word document?

password protect a word document

  • To protect a Word document with a password, select the File option at the top of Microsoft Word’s interface as you can see in the given image.

password protect document

  • Afterward, click on Save As option located on the left side, and its options will appear on the right side. On the ‘Save As’ page, select the ‘Browse’ option.

Word document password protection

  • Now, click on Tools and then General Options at the bottom of the window to get the General Options panel. You should now see a new window titled General Options, which displays various options for securing your document.

how to password protect word on Windows?

  • Enter your passwords in the ‘Password to open’ and ‘Password to modify sections,’ then click OK.
  • Finally, re-enter your password and click OK in the confirmation window.

Final Verdict:

We hope that after reading the article, you will be able to password-protect your document. So, if you like our article or have any queries regarding it, do mention them in the comment section!

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