Microsoft Edge To Bring ‘Edge for Gamers’ Mode Soon

Microsoft is nowadays putting a lot of effort to court the gaming community with new features. Among them, is “Edge for Gamers” mode which vows to elevate the user experience inside and outside gaming sessions. Microsoft Edge will soon bring this new mode to all game lovers with a set of new enhancements.

Microsoft Edge Will Roll Out New Gaming Features Soon

Microsoft has provided an initial description of the upcoming gaming features. According to the reports, the Edge for Gamers mode will facilitate gamers with a variety of enhancements. It will reportedly introduce a gaming-focused homepage. Moreover, Microsoft will also add new sidebar apps to cater, especially to the needs of gamers.

One of the significant features that will soon make its way to gamers will be an efficiency mode. It is tailored for PC gaming, probably designed to reduce browser resource usage to maximize in-game performance. In addition to that, dark mode and gaming-specific themes are also included in the upcoming features. The platform will also offer customization options to align with popular gaming aesthetics.

The point worth mentioning here is that the ‘Edge for Gamers’ mode is in the early stages of development. Currently, activating the mode doesn’t particularly change the browser experience. However, users are automatically redirected to the themes section of the Edge Add-ons Store once it is enabled. Moreover, apps for popular gaming platforms including Discord and Twitch are also added to the sidebar.

It would not be wrong to say that these are early days for the Edge for Gamers mode. Microsoft’s action points to a growing interest in tailoring products and features for the gaming community. What do you guys think about this upcoming mode? Are you guys excited about this new mode? Do share with us in the comment section.

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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