Pakistan to Launch State-of-the-Art Chromebook Assembly Line

In a landmark move, the government of Pakistan signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with a local Google partner and an international company to establish a cutting-edge Chromebook assembly line in Pakistan. The Press Information Department (PID) announced this development on Tuesday, marking a significant milestone for Pakistan’s booming IT sector.

Joint Venture Signed To Establish Chromebook Assembly Line In Pakistan

The joint venture includes the National Radio Telecom Corporation (NRTC) Pakistan, Allied Australian, and Tech Valley Pakistan. The agreement was signed at the Ministry of Federal Education. Tech Valley Pakistan, a social enterprise and the official Google for Education, Google Workspace, and Google Cloud partner in Pakistan, will play an important role in this collaboration. This partnership aims to combine the expertise, technology, and market insights to create a world-class assembly line at NRTC and Haripur City in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Pakistan’s IT sector has seen notable growth in recent years. In April, the sector achieved a record $310 million in inflows, reminiscing a successful industry. According to central bank data, the sector experienced 62 percent year-on-year growth. During the first ten months of the current fiscal year (10MFY24), IT exports reached $2.59 billion, a 21 percent increase compared to $2.14 billion in the same period of 10MFY23.

The government’s recent decision to increase the retention limit in Exporters’ Specialized Foreign Currency Accounts from 35% to 50% is anticipated to further raise Pakistani IT exports, projected to exceed $3.5 billion.

Impact of the Joint Venture

PID highlighted that this partnership will significantly improve the country’s technology sector. Moreover, it will create new economic growth opportunities, and generate employment. Initially, the assembly line will produce 500,000 Chromebooks per year, with plans to scale up to one million annually. This initiative sets Pakistan as a potential regional hub for technology manufacturing and innovation.

The establishment of the Chromebook assembly line in Pakistan is a significant step forward for Pakistan’s IT industry. It highlights the government’s commitment to facilitate technological advancements. Moreover, it also sets the stage for Pakistan to become a critical player in the global tech landscape. This joint venture promises to drive economic growth, create jobs, and improve Pakistan’s reputation in the technology sector.

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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