Pakistani Prodigy Atif Butt Wins Tekken 8 Tournament at CEO 2024

The CEO (Community Effort Orlando) event, held annually in Daytona Beach, Florida, is one of the most prestigious and anticipated fighting game tournaments in the world. Enticing top players and enthusiasts from around the globe, CEO provides a platform for intense competition across different fighting games, including Tekken, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat. This year, Atif Butt from Pakistan dazzled the audience with his outstanding gaming skills and won the Tekken 8 tournament.

Atif Butt’s journey to the top includes impressive victories. In the winners’ semi-finals, he decisively defeated Keisuke with a 2-0 win. After that, he faced Doujin in the winners’ finals, securing a 3-1 triumph. The grand finals brought a rematch with Keisuke, who had just bested Doujin 3-0 in the losers’ finals. In an exhilarating showdown, Atif harbored his dominance, clinching the championship with a close 3-2 victory.

According to the latest reports, the national gamer received prize money of more than $6,000. The contest featured 60 players from different countries, including Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom, and the USA. Following his success, Atif Butt has qualified for the eSports World Cup, which will be held in Riyadh from July 3 to August 25.

For all those unaware, Atif Butt, alongside the famous Arslan Ash, stands as one of the top Pakistani Tekken players. His victory at CEO 2024 adds to his exceptional track record, including a notable win at the Tekken World Tour 2022 Finals. Atif defeated top players including South Korea’s Jeon DDing in the grand finals, strengthening his reputation as a formidable competitor.

Tekken 8 Tournament Results

1. Falcons|Atif (Dragunov)

2. ZETA|Keisuke (Kazuya)

3. BLCK|Doujin (Leo, Claudio, Feng, Lili, Shaheen, Law, Zafina, Leroy, Lars)

4. Falcons|JoKa (Feng)

5. KC|JDCR (Dragunov)

6. VARREL|Ao (Victor, Alisa)

7. NIP|K-Wiss (Hwoarang)

8. NIP|Bilal (Bryan)

9. Rest (Hwoarang)

10. Liquid|Shadow20z (Zafina, Claudio)

11. Talon|Book (Jin)

12. ZETA|Double (Law)

13. GG|Tibetano (Claudio)

14. THY|Chikurn (Lili)

15. Falcons|Saint (JACK-8)

16. Liquid|Qudans (Devil Jin)

Are you guys ready for the eSports World Cup? Who’s your favorite player? Do share with us in the comment section.

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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