Samsung Takes the Throne: Apple Loses Top Phone maker Spot

Shipments Dip for iPhones, While Galaxy S24 Series Drives Samsung's Growth

There’s a new king in the smartphone castle! According to a report by Reuters citing data from research firm IDC, Apple has relinquished its crown as the world’s top smartphone maker to Samsung in the first quarter of 2024.

Here’s a breakdown of the changing landscape:

  •  During the first three months of 2024, Samsung captured a significant chunk of the market share – 20.8%. This impressive performance can likely be attributed to the recent launch of their latest flagship series, the Galaxy S24. Strong sales figures indicate that these new phones were met with enthusiasm by consumers, propelling Samsung to the top spot.

  • Apple, on the other hand, saw a 10% drop in shipments compared to the same period last year. This translates to just 17.3% of the market share in Q1 2024. The report suggests Apple shipped 50.1 million iPhones during this timeframe, down from 55.4 million units in the first quarter of 2023.

  • Chinese phone maker Xiaomi holds the number three position with a market share of 14.1%.

Overall, the global smartphone market is showing positive signs with a 7.8% increase in shipments during Q1 2024, reaching a total of 289.4 million units.

This shift in market leadership highlights the ever-evolving smartphone industry. While Apple previously enjoyed dominance, competition is fierce, and consumer preferences can change rapidly. Samsung’s success with the Galaxy S24 series demonstrates the importance of innovation and staying ahead of the curve. It will be interesting to see how Apple responds to this challenge and whether they can regain their top position in the coming quarters.

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Nayab Khan

Nayab Khan is a freelance tech-writer whose specialty is absorbing the key data and articulating the most important points. She helps IT based organizations communicate their message clearly across multiple channels.

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