The iPhone 16 Might Get a Replaceable Battery

Apple has a reputation for packing an impressive amount of technology into its iPhones. However, this dense packing can make replacing any parts, especially the battery, quite frustrating. The process often involves dealing with fiddly clips and sticky glue, making repairs a daunting task. But when the iPhone 16 is released this September, things might change in an important way. Some reports claim that the iPhone 16 might get a replaceable battery.

The iPhone 16 Might Get a Replaceable Battery

A report from The Information has revealed that Apple is working on a new method to make its phone batteries easier to remove and replace. Currently, iPhone batteries are secured using adhesive strips. However, according to the report, Apple plans to replace this system with a new method that “uses electricity to dislodge the battery.” This innovation is expected to be included in “at least one model of the iPhone 16 this year and possibly all versions of the iPhone 17 slated for global release next year.”

The new method, known as “electrically induced adhesive debonding,” involves encasing the battery in metal rather than the foil Apple currently uses. You can easily remove the battery by applying a small jolt of electricity, such as from a direct current power supply. Despite this advancement, due to the complexity of opening an iPhone and handling electricity, Apple will still recommend professional assistance for battery replacements.

Repairability vs. Durability

European Union (EU) legislation largely drives this move by Apple. The EU has mandated that by 2025, all phone makers must ensure that their owners can replace their devices’ batteries using accessible tools. This legislation follows other EU regulations that have influenced Apple, such as the introduction of USB-C ports and opening up the app store ecosystem to third parties.

Apple executive John Ternus explained that iPhones use adhesives to enhance waterproofing and prevent water from spreading through the device. Balancing repairability with durability is a significant challenge for Apple. However, the company is clearly considering these issues, as evidenced by its recent sustainability efforts. Apple has expanded its diagnostics software availability in Europe to aid in repairs and released a sustainability white paper emphasizing the importance of device longevity over repairability.

Additionally, earlier this year, Apple filed a patent for replaceable, modular batteries, indicating ongoing exploration of this topic. With the iPhone 16’s release approaching, we may soon see how these efforts manifest and whether Apple has successfully balanced durability and repairability.

Anticipating the iPhone 16

As the iPhone 16 launch nears, excitement builds around the potential improvements and innovations. If Apple successfully implements electrically induced adhesive debonding, it could significantly simplify battery replacements and address consumer concerns about repairability. This change could also set a new standard for smartphone design, influencing other manufacturers to follow suit.

In conclusion, Apple’s efforts to make iPhone batteries easier to replace reflect a broader commitment to sustainability and compliance with regulatory requirements. While the company aims to maintain the durability and high performance of its devices, it is also responding to consumer demand for more repairable technology. The upcoming iPhone 16 might be the beginning of a new era in smartphone design, where advanced technology and ease of maintenance go hand in hand.

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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