Videogame Lovers Can Finally Download NaturalVision’s Top GTA 5 Mod

NaturalVision has finally launched the ultra graphics GTA 5 mod that users have long been waiting for. Unlike the majority of realistic graphics modifications, NaturalVision Evolved does not degrade the visual quality of games. Long in development, the Grand Theft Auto 5 mod is a thorough overhaul of lighting, textures, models, and more, yet it stays true to the game’s graphic style.

This “final cinematic trailer’s” effort and editing are amazing on their own. Graphics modifications are nothing new in Grand Theft Auto games, with tools such as ENBseries and SweetFX allowing modders to take control of the game’s renderer and modify its output. However, the quality is very dependent on the preset you use with these tools, and even then the results might vary drastically based on the lighting conditions in-game. NaturalVision, in contrast, focuses more on directly modifying game assets such as textures and models, is more consistently enhanced, and has less influence on performance.

Videogame Lovers Can Finally Download NaturalVision’s Top GTA 5 Mod

NaturalVision Remastered, a prior version of the mod, was initially published five years ago and has been frequently updated since. NaturalVision Evolved development began in 2020, with an “early access” version available to Patreon backers. Now, the Single Player Beta is available for free on the developer’s website,

In 2019, we chatted with Razed, alias Jamil Rashid, about his work on the mod. At the time, he believed that the mod update for that year would be his last. But now we can say that perhaps the above trailer will not be the “final cinematic trailer” after all.

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