WhatsApp Beta for Android Introduces New In-App Dialer Feature

WhatsApp in-app dialerIn a recent update, WhatsApp has started testing a new feature designed to enhance user convenience: an in-app dialer. The latest beta version, Android, now available on the Google Play Store, introduces this feature to a select group of users. The new in-app dialer aims to streamline the calling process by allowing users to make calls directly from the app without needing to save contacts in their address book first.

The introduction of the in-app dialer comes with a new floating action button within the calls tab. This button allows users to quickly access the dialer, enabling them to make calls directly from the app. As seen in the attached screenshot, some beta testers can now experiment with this new functionality. The dialer simplifies the process of making calls, eliminating the need to save contacts or navigate through multiple steps to initiate a call.

WhatsApp Beta for Android Introduces New In-App Dialer Feature

WhatsApp in-app dialer

One of the key benefits of the in-app dialer is the added layer of convenience it brings to the calling experience. Users can now initiate calls more efficiently, without the intermediate steps of saving contacts or searching for specific conversations. This is particularly useful for new interactions, where the user may need to call a number that is not yet saved in their address book.

The new dialer also offers additional features to enhance user experience. After entering a phone number, users can choose to save it as a new contact or add it to an existing contact card in their address book. This ensures that important numbers are readily accessible in the future. Additionally, a messaging shortcut is available within the dialer screen. This allows users to quickly send a message to a phone number they initially intended to dial, providing a seamless transition between calling and messaging.

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Another useful aspect of the in-app dialer is its ability to notify users if the entered phone number is registered on WhatsApp. Moreover, this feature lets users instantly know whether they can use WhatsApp to contact that number, adding an extra layer of convenience and functionality.

Currently, the in-app dialer feature is available to some beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta for Android updates from the Google Play Store. The rollout will reach more users over the coming days, gradually expanding the feature’s availability.

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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